Shining in the Midst of Trials (Epistle – 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Gospel – John 16:28-33) 12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is […]

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Let the People in Darkness See Light

Let the People in Darkness See Light (Matthew 4:12-17) 12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee. 13 And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, 14 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah […]

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