TEXT: LUKE 5: 1 – 10
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God has always been very gracious to us having given us in the scriptures, various examples of men and women who surrendered their lives unto Him for use. They were men of like passions, yet they were used of God to cause revival in their own time. These people serve as ready examples for us, unto whom the end of the age has come. They devoted themselves unto the Lord, to prayer, to the ministry of the word, to fellowship and the breaking of bread, to the oneness of the body. How did they arrive at these acts that they performed as written in the book of Acts of the Apostles?
Here we shall endeavor to study the life of Peter, praying that the Lord will make definite impacts upon each of our lives in Jesus’ name.
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a.) How did Peter become a vessel for Revival?
Matt 4:18-20; Lk 5:1-10; Lk 14:25-27.
How will you also become a vessel for Revival in this your day?
b.) Discuss how the revival of Peter’s time began.
Lk 24:45-49; Acts 1:12-14; Acts 2:1-4.
c.) How was that revival perpetuated?
i) Obedience to the Lord’s instruction.
Lk 24:46-49; Acts 1:12-14; Acts 5:17-21.
ii) Steadfast devotion to Prayer, Fellowship and the Preaching of God’s Word.
Acts 6:4,7; Acts 2:42; Acts 5:42; Acts 4:23-24.
iii) They were spiritually sensitive. They punished sin in the midst of the brethren instantly.
Acts 5:1-11; Acts 8:14-24.
Examine how they relied completely on the Holy Ghost for such a purging of iniquity in their midst.
iv) They were bold and endured persecution. Acts 4:8-13; Acts 5:40-41.
v) They made many disciples. Acts 2:41-43; Acts 4:4; Acts 6:3-8.
Discuss how their primary focus was on Discipleship and disciple-making.
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If He must trust us with another Revival in the Body of Christ, we must determine to walk in His will and refrain from betraying His trust. This is the crucial matter set before us this day, as we step into the Threshold of another outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our time. This must not be lost. Nothing short of a heavenly visitation of the Holy Spirit Revival is needed in these precarious times. Shall we not arise and put away every encumbering cloak like Bartimaeus and run to Jesus for God to give us both the former and latter rain that will Revive us and also the souls of men.