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Bible Study Outline for Sunday May 22, 2022

TEXT: DANIEL 6: 1 – 5

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• To help us understand what the life of integrity and holiness entails
• To know how we can cultivate and maintain the life of integrity and holiness

Holiness and Integrity are God’s nature. They reflect who He is, His character, acts, deeds and dealings with men (Lev 20:26).
Although, we live in the days when the definition of holiness and integrity has become disputable to many, the life we have received in Christ Jesus is the source and spring of holiness and integrity. God’s demand from us is to allow this life to find expression through us. “Walk before me and be upright” Gen 17:1 is still the same clear instruction that God has for any man who desires to walk with Him. If this announcement has been sent forth before we were born and has guided the patriarchs, it is therefore imperative that we approach this study with an open heart so that we will also be guided accordingly.


1. How will you describe the following?
a.) A life of Integrity – 1Sam 12: 2 – 4; Ps 15: 1 – 5; Dan 6: 4 – 5.
b.) A holy life – Lev. 19:2, 9-10, 17-18; 2Cor. 7:1. Holiness involves a walk in love not only the avoidance of iniquity.

2. Identify the exercise of integrity in the following areas:
a.) Leadership – Acts 20:18 – 20, 33 – 35.
b.) Business – Deut 25:13,15; Gen. 43:12.
c.) Speech – Matt 5: 37; Prov. 26:18 – 19.
d.) Relationship –Prov. 28:23.

3. Explain why people struggle with living a life of integrity and holiness. See also Rom. 7:14 – 15, 23; 1Cor. 15:33; Phil. 3:19; 2Pt. 1:5, 9.
Do you consider yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus every day?

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4. How can one cultivate a life of integrity and holiness? Mk. 1:15; Gal. 5:16; Ps. 119:9, 11; Job 31:1; 2Tim. 2:22.

5. (a.) Discuss the cost of cultivating and maintaining a life of integrity and holiness? Dan 6:10- 11, 15-16a; 2Tim 3:12.
b.) Identify and discuss the reward of integrity and holiness? 1Pt. 5:10; Job 22:28-30.
Let us keep our eyes and mind on the reward as did Jesus and those before us.

6. Discuss the consequences of unholy living and lack of integrity – Heb. 12:14; Prov 20:17,21; 11:3; Is 59:1 – 4. Don’t ever be deceived, whatever a person sows is what he reaps.

God has set us as a city on the hill to shine forth and reflect His nature in every facet of life. Notwithstanding the oppositions that may stand on our way, we must, just like the song writer said, “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in us.” His grace is sufficient.

MEMORY VERSE: “Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him” – Daniel 6:4 (KJV)

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