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The fox is widely known for being cunning, tricky and stealthy. The strength of the fox lies in its craftiness or skill in deception. Similarly, some character traits, attitudes and habits appear insignificant and harmless but have far reaching negative impact on our relationship with God and one another.
Little foxes, therefore, refer to those traits, attitudes, sins and habits that we often overlook, excuse or defend but they have negative effect on our walk with God. In this study, we shall identify the little foxes, their impact and how to eliminate them from our lives. May the Lord grant us understanding in Jesus name. Amen.
1.) What are some of the little foxes referred to in Song of Solomon 2:15? Phil2:3, 14; Prov3:28; Heb12:15, Eph.5:4.
2.) Why are those vices called ‘little foxes’? Heb 3:13; Prov. 26: 24-26.
3.) Discuss how ‘little foxes’ impact the life of a believer. Prov. 1:19; 6:10-11;Matt.6:15; Gal 6:7-8.
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4.) Why should the ‘little foxes’ be urgently removed and how? SoS 2:15b; Gal5:9; Prov.28:13; 2Cor13:5; James 1:25.
5.) In what ways can we guard against the encroachment of ‘little foxes’? Ezra 7:10; 1Pt.5:8; Prov.3:5-6;Gal 5:16.
6.) Discuss the result of a Christian life without ‘little foxes’. 2Cor6:3; Phil. 4:13; Is 58:8-10; Acts4:13.
Our relationship with the Lord is like a fruitful vineyard that could be destroyed by the ‘little foxes’ if they are not identified and urgently removed. May the Lord grant us the wisdom, strength and courage to deal with every impediment in our walk with Him. Amen
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Memory verse: Romans 16:19
For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.